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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Prince Obrien-Coker <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 10 May 2000 15:23:22 +0200
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Conscience - the moral sense of right and wrong - is one of the attributes that separate human beings from wild animals. When humans become deficient of conscience, they either degenerate to the level of the brutish beast, (like the soldiers who murdered those innocent and unarmed students). Or live the rest of their lives with "metaphysical" guilt, like the Secretaries of State and all those "working under Jammeh", as Essa Sey called them. 

Between these two categories, we could only leave the soldiers with divine justice (Ballal Aha) but that "species" of Secretaries of State, Perm. Secretaries, and the rest of the so-called Gambian "Intelligentsia" who are propping Jammeh's murderous regime, their day of reckoning will not be a happy one, for as Muhammad Lamine Jasseh-Conteh put it: "No conscious Gambian should even make an attempt to defend the slaying of innocent Gambian students and the rape of a thirteen-year-old." 

It is inconceivable to most Gambians that, not one of these people has raised a voice of protest against the bestial brutality of Jammeh's Killer regime. 

The logic that one has to protect his "Bread and Butter" is too menial to be accepted as excuse, for if one places the value of his "Bread and Butter" above the lives of innocent children, then one relegates himself to the equivalent of the unconscionable hyena. It is nobler to eat "Sand and Stone" than to be silent where children are being killed.

The silence of these subaltern people can neither be forgiven nor left with divine justice.

What torments me more is the stance of the women in this murderous regime. The role of that semi-Gambian woman is well known, but now that the other woman ("da oder one") at Education, (Mrs. Occiput), has entered the scene with her insinuations, it is about time that we re-evaluated the conscience of all Jammeh's handpicks. These women are devoid of all motherly instincts. In my personal view, they are an apology to Gambian motherhood. 

For the bulk of those parasites, opportunists, spongers and whatever names you want to call them, I will leave them with this platitude from Hamlet: Act III sc. i:

  "Thus Conscience doth make cowards of us all;

  And thus the native hue of resolution

  Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought;

  And enterprises of great pith and moment,

  With this regard, their currents turn awry

  And lose the name of ACTION."

I hope these people will, one day, wake up and realise that they are "guilty by association", for their appalling silence in the aftermath these senseless killings.

Prince Coker


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