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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 00:50:48 +0100
text/plain (190 lines)
Hi Kirt,

> Alan:
> >You still fail to have checked that I am not only speaking for
> >myself when I pass on some info but for a whole society (which
> >as I have already stated many times is a breakaway group from
> >the German Natural Hygiene Society).
> And this means you can claim opinion as fact?

I claim my opinions as opinions. I can have an opinion about what
is claimed (say in some research report) as fact..i.e. positive
or negative or indifferent. I claim as fact (or certainly nearer
to the truth) any similar experiences I have to many others when
trying out some specific advice.

> Belonging to a fringe group gives you more credibility?

I would rather belong to this fringe group than to the majority
group which eats cooked. Credibility to me is irrelevant. It is
me who is benefitting from what I do..and if anyone else benefits
from anything I say..then this is merely a secondary positive
spinoff. Every person should be an egocentric as far as their
own personal health is concerned.

> You are a puzzler, Alan. But whatever your
> claims, you post with your own account--you are on your own when you claim
> dogma is truth.

I have never claimed that dogma is truth. But it is generally
true that statements which have become dogma after being tried and
tested by many people over many years are more nearer to the mark
than some of the more obscure claims of freaks and cranks.

>Hiding in group anonymity doesn't change that.

Am I hiding anywhere??

> You will be
> respected or not on this list because of your ideas and how you share them,

> not by your claim to fame or familiarity with others of the same dubious
> status.
By describing my background I am being honest..not claiming fame. As
to dubious, I can see them and I know them and I also know what
they are doing and why they are doing it. Which is more than I can
say for our relationship. You sound more dubious to me because you
spend most of your mails attacking others with mostly what is nothing
more than childish namecalling rather than providing one iota of
interesting info or any credible and tangible counterarguments yourself.

> >Reading some of the posts in here leads me to
> >believe that there are many more seekers than successful
> >practicioners of any dietary regime and indeed, there is no
> >such thing as the "perfect diet" as we do not have enough
> >conclusive proof. Neither is diet alone (as I have said
> >before) the answer to everything.
> Sounds right on. Actually, it sounds something like the mainstream NH
> groups you consider yourself so superior to.
I personally have experienced more truths within the NH movement
than lies. Most of today's NH groups have been infiltrated and
contaminated by egomaniacs, money manics and dubious esoterics.

> >but I'm damned if I will talk to anybody who uses juvenile
> >and immature terms such as "ignorant" when talking to a
> >fellow human being (probably pursuing similar goals as
> >your own).
> "Ignorant" simply means you are lacking info to understand something, which
> is how I see you. But, of course, you need only talk to whomever you choose.
> And don't kid yourself, Alan. We are not pursuing similar goals. Not even
> close. My goal is to show how short-sheeted your reasoning is by commenting
> on your more absurd claims.

You will never achieve your goal for two main reasons. Firstly I
(and countless others) am enjoying good health from what I am
doing, and secondly, you do not provide any counterarguments which
may help me (or anybody else reading in here) improve my health
even further (if that is possible from food alone).

> Your goal seems to be "passing on some info"
> from a fringe group about your superior thinking on matters of nutrition.
> You worship your pedistal; I eat them for the minerals they contain. ;)
I have never said it is superior..merely good for me and a lot of
others I know. You chose this word..and if you believe anything
I say to be inferior then by all means go ahead and provide some
credible counterarguments.

> >OK?
> Totally up to you, Alan. Think about what you're saying and how you're
> saying it or expect me to point out your overboard moments when I have the
> time.
To be honest Kirt, I should have stopped corresponding with you a
long time ago, because it is leading to nowhere (i.e. you don't
provide any useful food info yourself) and takes up to much of
my time. So how about it and I will also reply to you in future?

But there are of course other people, even in your corner of
the woods, who have benefitted from what individual members
of our group (such as Guy-Claude Burger in the instance below)
have said.

| The table below (from »Instinctive Nutrition« by Severen L.
| Schaeffer), based on studies conducted over several years with
| more than 1500 persons, indicates how soon after commencing
| Anopsology, great improvement or complete relief can be expected
| from a variety of ailments.
|     1 week: Aerophagia; Constipation; Dyspepsia; Fatigue;
|             Chronic indigestion; Migraine headache; Alcohol and
|             tobacco addiction; Obese persons begin to lose
|             weight at the rate of 3-5% of excess body weight per
|             week; Inflammatory pain usually disappears.
|    2 weeks: Asthma; Diabetes - reduction of insulin dosages;
|             Diarrhea; Gastritis; Hemorrhoids; Hypoglycemia;
|             Psychological stress; Sexual impotence.
|    3 weeks: Allergies of all types; Arterial hypo- and hyper-
|             tension; Arteriosclerosis; Cellulite (subcutaneous
|             fat begins to disappear in 3-5 weeks);
|             Cholesterolemia; Cystitis; Dermatoses; Immunity to
|             colds; Salpyngitis; Sinusitis; Diminishing of
|             tremors in Multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's
|             disease; Hyperhidrosis; Urticaria.
|    4 weeks: Amenorrhea and Dysmenorrhea; Excema; Disappearance
|             of pain in Glaucoma; Parasitic infection terminated
|             (in 3-7 weeks); Skin regains elasticity - more
|             youthful appearance; Immunity to infections in cuts
|             and burns, with healing time cut in half.
|    5 weeks: Arterial occlusion; Recovery of movement in
|             rheumatoid arthritis; Erythema; First signs of
|             improvement in Lupus Erythmatosus; Skin ulcers;
|             Peptic ulcers.
|    7 weeks: Immunological system reactivated; Amebiasis; Anemia;
|             Athlete's foot; Cataracts; Herpes simplex; Immunity
|             to contagious disease, remarkable resistance to
|             fatigue; Leukemia; Proteinuria; Rheumatoid
|             arthritis.
|   12 weeks: Baldness: first appearance of new hair; Breast
|             cancer; Cancer of the larynx; Other cancerous
|             tumors.
|   25 weeks: Hemophilia coagulation rate normalized;
|             Hyperthyroidism improved; Myasthenia; Multiple
|             sclerosis: recovery from paralysis, improved balance
|             and coordination; AIDS: all symptoms have
|             disappeared, blood cell counts normal, body weight
|             normal.
|  12 months: Corns disappear; Rapid painless childbirth with
|             amniotic sac breaking at end of process rather than
|             at beginning; Blood Rh-factor incompatibility
|             disappears.
|  18 months: Liver (age) spots have virtually disappeared.

Taken from:


|                                                           |
| Schaeffer, Severen L.: "Instinctive Nutrition,            |
| A revolutionary Approach to Nutrition & Health"           |
|                                                           |
| CelestialArts, Berkeley, California, 255 p. 1987,         |
| ISBN 0-89087-502-2                                        |
|                                                           |
| You find an excerpt at                                    |
| http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/7627/prempagSLS.html  |
|                                                           |
