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"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
Bill Hyatt <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 26 May 2000 15:22:50 -0700
text/plain; charset=us-ascii
"St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (98 lines)
> >
> >  Civil Rights or the Bottom Line
> >
> >  I guess we just can't say enough about
> discrimination, liability or
> >  money. Where do we actually separate these terms
> and how much do
> >  these terms really mean to anyone anymore? It
> seems our society has
> >  created reality cushions to soften the true hard
> facts that exist.
> >  Lets face it folks when it comes to human beings
> we rate last in the
> >  war against atrocity and dignity. Every decision,
> every thought,
> >  every concern and every outcome is based on the
> "Bottom Line." Two
> >  years ago a man, an entrepreneur, an advocate a
> tax paying citizen, a
> >  friend, a person with a disability was denied his
> rights as a human
> >  being. John Kirby went into a 7- 11 store in
> Modesto, CA to buy a six
> >  pack of beer and then go watch football with his
> friends. When he
> >  approached the clerk at the counter the clerk
> denied him the sale of
> >  the product, stating that it was company policy
> not to sell alcohol
> >  to "Disabled People." That moment Mr. Kirby was
> embarrassed,
> >  mortified, shamed and disgraced. This started an
> intense fight for
> >  his civil rights. To add insult to injury, in
> January 2000, a jury of
> >  his peers (none had a disability), found that the
> 7-11 store (part of
> >  South Land Corporation) had not in any way
> violated Mr. Kirby's civil
> >  rights. The decision not to sell him beer was
> based on a business
> >  interest, for the protection of the store, the
> public, and Mr. Kirby.
> >  How archaic is this reasoning? Where does a
> persons rights fit into
> >  this? Mr. Kirby was 29 years old, and he had the
> money. Do you
> >  realize the impact this decision has on persons
> with disabilities or
> >  even other minorities? The next thing you know
> businesses will decide
> >  what food we eat, books we read, and the clothes
> we wear just for our
> >  own protection. He was discriminated against
> because he was disabled,
> >  plain and simple!! Who has the right to decide
> what is right or wrong
> >  for any of us? Mr. Kirby's next trip is to the
> Supreme Court to
> >  appeal this rather clear cut mockery. DRAIL is
> supporting Mr. Kirby's
> >  quest, but this will cost bucks, lots of bucks.
> Mr. Kirby is going to
> >  need money and support. DRAIL has created a
> defense fund for Mr.
> >  Kirby. Remember, whether you can contribute or
> not Mr. Kirby needs
> >  your support. He needs to hear from all of us.
> Only we together as a
> >  team, a unit of one, can make changes. What
> happened to Mr. Kirby
> >  could be all of our futures. By: Fred Dickinson,

> DS
> >
As I understand it, at the trial the 7-11 people
claimed that the clerk thought Mr. Kirby was
intoxicated and that was why they didn't sell him the
beer.  This doesn't wash with Mr. Kirbys account which
specificaly states the clerk said he wouldn't sell him
the beer because it was against company policy to sell
beer to handicdapped people because it w3asn't good
for them.  I used to live in Modest where this
happended and I'm convinced Mr. Kirby was giving the
real story and 7-11 changed the facts to avoid a
judgement against them.  I think  may have even
stopped at that 7-11 at once time.  Didn't need beer though.

Bill Hyatt
"The shortest distance between two points is.....
 usually not accessible"

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