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William Meecham <[log in to unmask]>
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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 14:28:34 -0800
text/plain (164 lines)
Certainly one motive (other than oil transhipping) for the US attack
on Yugoslavia, is the time honored attack of the capitalists on socialism
Remember a key target was socialist party headquarters (when not attacking
> Ha, ha, Isohodos, you are a very amuzing peron, I have to admit.
> Please, do not take so hard my remarks about your education: education
> certainly isn't  evrything; it can help you in your thinking or discussing
> some interesting matters , but isn't everything, so don't be so
> upset.....You didnt finish your elementary school, so what? Fuck the system!
> Ha, ha, you are really something fella.
>                            Andrej Grubchek
>  PS I am not a sociologist but a historian; here is something you and others
> might find interesting; it is a bit provocative but it maybe it would pull
> out our pet fascist, GI Tracy, from a hole of embarassement.
> *** ex-yu-a-lista ***
> March 12, 2000
> United States of America
> Many people suspect a deep strategic reason behind NATO's seemingly facile
> attack on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.  In fact, there is a certain
> rationale for the Balkans war, a closely held view entertained by its
> instigators.  They know this conflict as a necessary thrust in an ongoing,
> aggressive, long-term, strategic World War conceived almost a century ago by
> a British imperialist and cunning sophist of formidable rank.  His name was
> Halford John Mackinder (1861-1947).
> Mackinder, a rather clever geographer with a murderous Mission, had an idea
> so beguiling that, even today it animates the likes of Madeleine Albright,
> Wesley Clark, Samuel R. Berger, William Cohen, Richard Holbrook, and others
> who take what they imagine is an "intellectual" view of statecraft.
> Mackinder proudly defended British imperial power and is accurately
> characterized as an Imperialist.  He was knighted for his contributions,
> chiefly intellectual, to its maintenance and advancement.  However,
> Mackinder consciously directed his writings toward the U.S. audience right
> from the start because he deeply believed that his own theory called for
> this.
> Mackinder's homicidal geopolitics now lies at the core of U.S. military
> indoctrination (more on this below).  The theory specifically cultivates the
> goal of subjugating the world.  It postulates and persuasively argues the
> supposed necessity for continuous war of "enlightened" Seamen against
> "autocratic" Landsmen for domination of the Landsmen's "Heartland," thereby
> attaining the power to "command" the world!  In a typically arrogant British
> manner, it claims all wisdom and innate "democratic ideals" for itself.
> The Serbians, of course, perceived NATO's countrywide rain of bombs on
> roads, bridges, industrial plants, schools, and hospitals as a grave and
> unbelievably insane crime, and often asserted that the war was "demented."
> They never suspected the war's rational explanation in longstanding western
> geopolitical strategy.  It is true that the intellectual sham and humbug of
> the Heartland theory has been convincingly exposed in the English language
> only in academic circles.  Still, it seems incredible that the professors at
> Belgrade University never discerned Yugoslavia's unfortunate place as the
> doormat of the Heartland until the bombs began to fall.
> It should be borne in mind that, in prosecuting Mackinder's "all for the
> Heartland" theory, Yugoslavia's enemies are philosophically ignorant.  They
> think atomistically and abstractly and are utterly unaware that their
> conception of "democratic" (the title of Mackinder's principal work begins
> with this word) is thoroughly non-organic.  Thus, they totally misconceive
> the true idea of the Nation-State, which is exhibited only in Continental
> philosophy.
> As is well known, the dominant American philosophy has been a bald-faced
> Pragmatism for more than a century.  The country's leading lights were thus
> prepared to be deceived by Mackinder's mechanistic historical geography and
> clever sophistical powers in 1919 on first introduction to the Heartland
> theory.  Hence they have entertained the mad professor's dangerous ideas
> over and over again, as proven by the periodic republication of Mackinder's
> writings over an eighty-year period, and now for the first time (see below)
> by the U.S. National Defense University.
> British intellectuals call Mackinder the "father of modern British
> geography."  In "Democratic Ideals and Reality" (1919), with rhetorical
> skill and deft use of brilliantly constructed maps, Mackinder advanced his
> theory of geopolitical aggression, declaring a supposed necessity for
> continuous World War of maritime "democratic" against "national" land
> powers.
> Mackinder especially focused on East Europe for strategic control of what he
> called "The Heartland" and on the Heartland (including much of the territory
> of the Slavic nations) for domination of the "World Island" (Europe, the
> Near East, Asia, and Africa).  Here is a characteristically catchy aphorism,
> taken from the book:
>     "Who Rules East Europe Commands the Heartland
>      Who Rules the Heartland Commands the World-Island
>      Who Rules the World-Island Commands the World"
> Left-wing academic analysts who advised the Serbian people (e.g., Mishel
> Collon, "Secret Strategies on Kosovo" (SMISAO #6 (1/99)) negligently failed
> to point out the ultimate danger of the geopolitical theory behind the
> decade-long aggression against Federal Yugoslavia.  Though entering the
> intellectual life of the world as long ago as 1904, Mackinder's conceptions
> enjoyed a resurgence in United States military circles especially after the
> fall of the Soviet Union.  Steps in the Balkans aggression, with its
> strategic goal clear only to the perpetrators in Washington, London, and
> Bonn, began shortly thereafter.  Major milestones were reached in 1992,
> 1995, and 1998.
> The U.S. "National Defense University" in 1996 republished the main body of
> Mackinder's work (under the same title as given above) with a foreword by
> U.S Air Force Lt. Gen. Ervin Rokke, President of that institution.  The book
> is currently for sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) in
> Washington, D.C., and is being used to indoctrinate military officers in
> Mackinder's fratricidal exhortation to geopolitical conquest.
> "In 1942," Rokke says, "Allied strategic planners . . . recognized the value
> of Mackinder's work, which they used in engineering the defeat of Germany"
> (!).  Rokke states that the entire anti-Soviet Cold War (1947-1991) was
> merely an interlude, freely admitting the greater struggle for supremacy
> over the World Island by the maritime powers.  "Regional strategic
> concerns," he says, force the NATO powers "to once again rely" on
> Mackinder's "classic" formulation of geopolitical war for world domination.
> Mackinder's book was translated into German shortly after its first
> publication in 1919, because in it he acknowledges the desire of what was
> then an independent Germany to unite German-speaking peoples of East Europe.
> Mackinder was subsequently blamed for the Lebensraum strategy of the Third
> Reich, which actually was founded on the work of German master political
> geographer Gen. Karl Haushofer, who of course had read Mackinder.
> Haushofer, a university professor, was styled in a post-WWII biography as "a
> sheep in wolf's clothing" because he kept aloof from the NSDAP and was not a
> career officer.   None of Haushofer's many German works has been translated
> into English, which may be indirect proof that the current interpreters of
> Mackinder's wisdom retain their desire to continue to subordinate Germany
> under British and U.S. control for their own purposes.
> The people of the whole world, first of all in Europe, face grave dangers in
> the escalating geopolitical war pursued by the Mackinderlings in Washington.
> Opinion leaders therefore must confront the long-departed mind of the great
> imperialist Mackinder and his continuing influence on those who would risk
> universal destruction for a strictly partial, grossly non-organic, merely
> superficial conception of democratic ideals and the nature of the modern
> Nation-State.  In fact, a clearer illustration can hardly be found that all
> gravely misanthropic ideas--in this case conceived for avowedly Imperialist
> ends--have a devilish life of their own and must be throttled and buried by
> those who have the power to do so.
> Tragically, the atrocious U.S./NATO bombardment of Yugoslavia promoted the
> same type of vicious war-craft denounced so eloquently a half-century ago by
> F.J.P. Veale in his memorable book "Advance to Barbarism."  The continuing
> NATO aggression behind the mask of KFOR, led by the United States of
> America, perpetuates and accentuates the world tragedy by wrecking
> confidence in the United Nations.
> Meanwhile, even today, the Serbians barely realize that in defending their
> country's sovereignty and territorial integrity, they are most of all
> preserving the very concept of freedom from otherwise certain death.   Hence
> one of the anti-war movement's most striking slogans:  "God save Serbia from
> her unholy enemies!  She defends the World!"  The historical proof of this
> lies just around the corner, as the nations in a bright new century confront
> the dark legacy of Halford Mackinder's fratricidal cogitations.