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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Wed, 23 Jun 1999 16:24:39 -0400
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>> I never understand when people make such comments.  Like "Communism
doesn't work" (because Russia fell).

>It seems to me that a successful anarchist system must have a bigger than
normal provision for "benefit of doubt".  Otherwise you have a system where,
because they cannot count on enforcement of rules, people tend to suspect
nefarious intent behind every destructive act,
even when there is good reason to believe the destructive act was unintended.

An anarchist system can have rules and can enforcement them.  Shocking it
may be, but true.

>> Anarchy says that it isn't the people who are evil, but the institutions
that brings out the evilness in its members and then promotes the worst ones
to the highest places.
>It's the people.  If the institution brings out the evilness of its
members, the evilness must be there to be brought out.

But, with the evilness, there is also virtue.  This is the case for me,
every person on this planet and even you ;)

So, the challenge at hand is creating institutions which promote and "bring
out" the virtues of humanity.


Terror rains drenchin', quenchin', tha thrist of tha power dons
That five sided fist-a-gon