Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
STAN MULAIK <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 24 Sep 2001 21:31:04 -0400
"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
}> Io crede que le shakers ha inventate le serra circular, que es hodie
}> un importantissime utensile in le construction de casas, naves de
}> ligne, qualcunque.
}Tu debe burlar!

Non de toto!  Le sequente es prendite del Encyclopedia Brittanica:

Although often persecuted for pacifism or for bizarre beliefs falsely
attributed to them, the Shakers won admiration for their model farms
and orderly, prosperous communities. Their industry and ingenuity
produced numerous (usually unpatented) inventions, of which the screw
propeller, Babbitt metal, a rotary harrow, an automatic spring, a
turbine waterwheel, a threshing machine, the circular saw, and the
common clothespin are a few. They were the first to package and
market seeds and were once the largest producers of medicinal herbs
in the United States. In exchanges with outsiders they were noted for
their fair dealing. Shaker dances and songs are a genuine folk art,
and the simple beauty, functionalism, and honest craftsmanship of
their meetinghouses, barns, and artifacts have had a lasting
influence on American design.

Ben que frequentemente persequite pro le pacifismo o pro credentias
bizarre attribuite falsemente a illes, le Shakers ganiava le admiration
pro lor fermas exemplar e prospere communitates in ordine.  Lor
industria e ingeniositate produceva numerose (usualmente sin
patentos) inventiones, de que es le propulsor helice, le metallo
Babbitt, un hirpice rotari, un resorto automatic, un rota hydraulic
a turbina, LE SERRA CIRCULAR, e le commun cavila de pannos lavate  es
justo un poco. Illes esseva le prime a impacchettagiar e vender le
semines de plantas e esseva le plus grande productores de herbas
medicinal in le Statos Unite.  In exambios con personas al exterior,
on notava lor juste negotios.  Le dansas e cantos del shakers es un
arte genuine traditional, e le simple bellitate, functionalismo, e le
honeste maestria de lor salas de reunion, stabulos, e artifactos ha
habite un indurante influentia super le designo american.
