Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Jay Dobkin <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 4 Jan 2001 17:57:04 -0800
"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (82 lines)
[Le sequente include propaganda pro interlingua, e ha
un section in interlingua al fin. Illo describe alsi
como audir me per le rete in un show de radio.
-Julio Dobkin]

Tuesday is okay by me.

I urge everyone to publicize NiMN wherever you can;
here are a couple of examples of how this can be done:

1) Yesterday I called in to the "open phones" segment of Leonard Lopate's show (New York & Company) on WNYC and (in the course of asking why there is no death
penalty for corporations, which are "persons" under
the law, but which are NOT liquidated and their assets
given to their victims when they murder, as in the
companies which worked Nazi slave laborers to death
or the recent case where Bridgestone Tire chose to kill
scores of people to save the money on a recall of tires
they knew to be defective) I put in a plug for NiMN,
and ended by giving the hotline number and saying that
we can always use supporters to help out. Leonard
Lopate was quite supportive--he even pointed out (when
I said that "liberal" Democrats like Bill Clinton,Al
Gore, & Anne Richards support execution every bit as
much as their Republican counterparts) that in 1992
Governor Clinton returned to Arkansas to preside over
the execution of a retarded man, (he was afraid that
the Lt. Gov. would pardon him in his absence and damage
Clinton's presidential prospects).

If you want to hear this segment, it will be available
(for the next two weeks, at least) at (click on "archive" at the bottom of the screen, then on "New
York & Co, then on "this week." If you wait until next
week, click on "archive" in the Ny & Co page rather
than "this week." In either case, look under "Jan 3"
for the "open phones" segment. I'm the first caller. Incidentally, the same day has a segment on Picasso in
which both Lopate & his guest speak of anarchists far
more sympathetically than is usual in the mainstream

2) In the annual Adressario de Interlingua* which
just came out, I included in my entry: "Io es un actor
in "Not in My Name" (Non in Mi Nomine), un drama de
protesto in le strata contra le pena de morte, in
Times Square al dies de executiones in le Statos Unite.
Information: (212) 969-8905 o"

-Jay Dobkin

*Interlingua es un artificial lingua (create in 1951)
que es immediatemente comprehensibile per personas
fluente in le romance linguas. Si tu desira plus
information re interlingua, contacta me, o visita le

Translation: "Interlingua is an artificial language
(created in 1951) that is immediately understandable by
people fluent in romance languages. If you want more
information re interlingua, contact me, or visit the

As you can see, it's pretty easy to understand even if all you speak is English!

[Al interlinguistas: nota que io usa cata opportunitate
possibile de facer propaganda pro interlingua, e io
urge vos facer le mesme. Io parla contra le pena de
morte al interlinguistas, e pro interlingua al
opponentes del pena capital!

Si alcuno de vos non comprehende anglese e vole audir
me in le radio (in le archivo in le rete de un show de
radio ci in Nova York in le qual io era heri, scribe a
me e io traducira le information re como facer lo a interlingua.


On Thu, 04 January 2001, jerry goralnick wrote:

> The next NIMN performance will be Tuesday, January 9th at 6:30 in times
> square. Let me know if you are available.