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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
Ken Freeland <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 15 Mar 2000 21:13:46 -0600
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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
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THE TEARS OF THE MIGHTY [please forward] by Jared Israel (3-15-00) [emperors-clothes]

A grim miscarriage of justice has just occurred in Britain. It's not the

Living Marxism, the iconoclastic magazine edited by Mike Hume, was found
guilty of libel against ITN, the British news station.

Living Marxism has been ordered to pay $580,000 U.S. This punishment is an
attempt to crush the Living Marxism (LM) journalists for doing their job. In
this article, I'll discuss the background of the case and take a look at a
truly amazing Reuters dispatch about the verdict.


In 1992, ITN, the British news station, sent a film team to Bosnia. It was
led by Penny Marshall. The ITN people came back with what was supposedly a
film of a Serbian concentration camp. A death camp, if you will.

Or will you? A death camp? What is wrong with this story? First off, how did
Penny Marshall and an entire film crew get into a Serbian death camp and
shoot a film? Didn't somebody have to transport the crew members plus a
mountain of equipment? Didn't somebody have to show them around, feed them?
The crew needed time to set up their cameras and so on. How did they do all
this without getting caught? Did they parachute out of the sky? I mean
seriously, didn't they need the cooperation of the administration of the
so-called death camp?

They did.

But why would the Serbian authorities want to help? Were they morons? Didn't
they know the West was hostile to the Bosnian Serbs? Weren't they attacked
every day in the British press? Wasn't the Islamist leader, Izetbegovic,
treated as a hero? Knowing ITN was probably anti-Serb, why would the Serbs
let an ITN crew in to film - a death camp?

Could it be that the place they filmed was not a death camp? That the
Bosnian Serbs let in Penny Marshall and her film crew precisely because they
had nothing ugly to hide.


Fortunately we don't have to speculate. By coincidence, a group of Serbian
filmmakers accompanied the ITN crew that day. The Serbs shot a movie -
that's right, they literally shot a movie - of Penny Marshall and company
shooting their movie. The Serbian film can be viewed on a standard VCR. I
have watched it several times. In other words, I have seen a movie that
shows every move Penny Marshall made that day.

I know that the ITN crew shot at two locations. I know that the first was a
detention center at Omarsk; the second was a refugee center at Trnopolje.


The Omarsk detention center was a modern facility, pleasant, not at all like
a jail. Before the war it had been a mining company's administrative center.

There, prisoners of war, captured from the Bosnian Islamist army, were held.
The men were not shackled; they were not behind bars. Rather, they lounged
in a cafeteria area. They looked well fed. The Serbian guards were casual. A
Serbian administrator (later shot dead by NATO troops while fishing with his
son) made a little speech. He explained that the Serbs viewed most of the
prisoners as good people who had been suckered into supporting 'the
rebellion', the secessionist revolt against Yugoslavia. He said only a small
group was hard core. The Serbs wanted to keep the hard core in jail but let
the others go.

So here wa a real, live Serbian detention center. But Penny Marshall didn't
use any of this footage.


Because it didn't have the look she was looking for.


The ITN crew moved on to the refugee center at Trnopolje. They set up their
camera equipment inside a small barbed wire enclosure. The barbed wire was
old, falling apart in places. It surrounded a storage shed, a wheelbarrow
and other construction equipment. Outside the enclosure, refugees milled
about, curious.

Filming from inside the barbed wire, Marshall asked if anyone spoke English.
One man replied, Yes. Marshall spoke to him. Are you a prisoner? No, said
the man; we're refugees. Marshall was clearly impatient. She pressed the man
to criticize the Serbian officials. The man insisted: the Serbs treat us
well; they give us food; the only problem is the weather is too hot. Much
too hot.

Then Marshall spotted a tall, emaciated man. What is wrong with that man,
she asked. The Bosnian refugee shrugged, said something about it being
personal. (In fact the emaciated man was suffering from TB.)


None of this conversation was used by ITN. Why not? Was it because it showed
the Bosnian Serbs in a humane light?

Instead, ITN produced film clips and stills that made it look like the
emaciated man and the other refugees were being held behind barbed wire -
inside an enclosure. These pictures were sent around the world. Many
newspapers ran them in montage with old Nazi concentration camp photos,
using captions like:"Serb Death Camps!"

Millions were fooled. They believed they had been shown pictorial evidence
of a new Nazism in Europe. This helped swing Western public opinion behind
Alija Izetbegovic, the Bosnian Islamist extremist whose model of tolerance
was the Iran of Ayatollah Khomeini.


LM, a brave little British magazine, exposed this fraud. A link to that
exposé is posted below. Amazingly, they were sued by ITN for slander. A news
station slanders the Bosnian Serbs and then sues a muckraking magazine for
slander? I thought news stations were supposed to protect us from
establishment lies? I thought they were supposed to get sued for libel -
that they opposed such law suits on principle…

Not in this brave new world.

Today we learned that ITN has won. Apparently, instead of focusing on the
real evidence - the uncut footage of the film - the trial was dominated by
the testimony of a witness who claimed the Serbs beat people at this
"concentration camp." Alas, false witness is a commodity in the free
marketplace of our brave new world, especially when one has the resources of
the giant corporations that control the media in the NATO countries. Money
buys lies. Moreover, LM was prevented from presenting expert witnesses. And
in his final comments, the judge apparently sided with ITN.


Below I've posted a link to the Reuters story covering this verdict. You
will notice that Reuters never mentions what was said in the Living Marxism
exposé. It never mentions that ITN shot pictures from inside a barbed wire
enclosure and then claimed the people in the film were "behind barbed wire."
Instead it simply asserts that Trnopolje was a concentration camp as if that
assertion were a proven fact.

So then, ITN sues to silence freedom of speech - freedom of speech which was
here used in the most honorable way, to challenge the lies of the mighty.
ITN wins. LM is crushed for telling the truth.

And what does Reuters do? It uses the occasion to once again broadcast the
very lie that Living Marxism got sued for disproving! Truly beyond belief.


One final point. In the new journalism, emotions are shamelessly exploited
for political effect. Consider this from the Reuters story:

"Marshall, wiping tears from her eyes, said the judgment was 'important for
the people who were in the camp.'" (Reuters, 3/124/00)

This is a crass emotional lie. Consider: Marshall, in reality the
representative of great power, is presented as frail, in need of protection
(the weeping woman). By focusing our attention on her tears (vulnerability)
Reuters engages our emotions and suspends our disbelief. Penny Marshall has
been made real to us precisely the way a fictional character is made real -
we identify with her emotions. Having identified with her, having suspended
disbelief, we tend to receive with scant skepticism her comment that:

" the judgment was 'important for the people who were in the camp."

How clever! A fiction within a fiction. Reuters hasfaricated a fictional
character, a weak, defenseless Penny Marshall that we can believe in - the
real P. Marshall is backed by the most powerful forces in Britain - and
likewise Marshall has her own little fictional characters. For she has
invented the Bosnian victims in that non-existent 'death camp' where
refugees actually came for food and where the only complaint was 'the
weather is too hot.' She has invented the people for whom she weeps.

No similar emotional pitch is made for the LM people. Marshall comes alive
but they lie obediently flat. And LM, which dared defend the victims of Ms.
Marshall's lies - LM that has been crushed under an impossible financial
burden - LM comes off as - a bully!



Why didn't Britain just launch a missile attack on the LM offices like the
one where they killed those dangerous reporters and makeup girls at Serbian
TV, and get it over with? Hmmm? Afterwards, the media could endlesly repeat,
like a mantra, that the LM people were lying propagandists who had
accidentally died as collateral damage in a revenge attack for which the
finger of responsibility must in the end ultimately and totally point to...
Slobodan Milosevich.

Lady's and gentlemen, this is Jared Israel signing off, and that's show

What, Ms. Marshall is still weeping? Well of course Ms. Marshall is still
weeping. She's weeping all right, she's weeping all the way to the bank.

Let's hope there's a Hell.


Further reading on the Libel case...

* 'English Libel law, a Disgrace to Democracy' by Mike Hume, editor of LM
magazine. Mr. Hume remains defiant, and is looking for a job. Also, for
those near London, details of an after-the-trial party, March 18th.

"The Truth vs. ITN - And Reuters" Includes the original LM article, over
which ITN sued, and the Reuters article on the trial. If you look at the
pictures shown on this page, pictures that were produced by ITN and that are
reproduced here from the front pages of newspapers - if you look carefully
at these pictures and you are at all familiar with barbed wire, you will be
able to tell that the men are on the outside of the enclosure. ** IF YOU FIND

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