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"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
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Ken Freeland <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 12 Mar 2000 13:18:43 -0600
"Shelia B. Cassidy" <[log in to unmask]>, Sara Flounders <[log in to unmask]>, Sam Husseini <[log in to unmask]>, Rania Masri <[log in to unmask]>, Michel Shehadeh <[log in to unmask]>, "Michael R. Allen" <[log in to unmask]>, Kathy Kelly <[log in to unmask]>, Joy Bacon <[log in to unmask]>, Jim Rissman <[log in to unmask]>, Hamid Butt <[log in to unmask]>, Gerri <[log in to unmask]>, Erik Gustafson <[log in to unmask]>, "Dayvid (Rev.) Graybill" <[log in to unmask]>, Ayman El-sayed <[log in to unmask]>, Betty Molchany <[log in to unmask]>
"The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (167 lines)

KOSOVO** [emperors-clothes] (3-12-00)

Since NATO and the UN have occupied Kosovo, the Kosovo Liberation Army has
become government and police force. For months we have documented the
institution of Fascist terror throughout the province. (Some articles are
listed under Further Reading)

Now the London Observer has released the contents of a confidential report
on Kosovo to UN Chief Kofi Annan. It confirms our charges and proves that UN
leaders KNOW what they have done in Kosovo. Kofi Annan received this report
two weeks ago. Yet he did not immediately suspend Bernard Kouchner and
institute an emergency investigation. By failing to act Annan confirms his
share of respoinsibility, along with the heads of the NATO countries and the
NATO and UN officials. When Annan is put on trial for abetting monstrous
crime against the ethnic minorities (and anti-secessionist Albanians) in
Kosovo will he plead that he was 'just' obeying U.S. commands? The failure
to act on this report confirms the rightness of our demand: the UN and NATO
must leave Kosovo NOW! Let the Yugoslav Army back in so it can re-establish
a non-fascist civil society.

Here is the London Observer report -

Revealed: UN-backed unit's reign of terror

Kosovo 'disaster response service' stands accused of murder and torture

John Sweeney and Jens Holsoe Sunday March 12, 2000 The Observer (lONDON)

Murder, torture and extortion: these are the extraordinary charges made
against the UN's own Kosovo Protection Corps in a confidential United
Nations report written for Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

The KPC stands accused in the document, drawn up on 29 February, of
'criminal activities - killings, ill-treatment/torture, illegal policing,
abuse of authority, intimidation, breaches of political neutrality and

The 5,000-strong corps, funded by UN members including Britain, has a £30
million aid budget for Kosovo. It was set up to provide 'disaster response
services'; instead, says the UN, it has been murdering and torturing people.

The UN's own damning verdict on its newly created civil defence force is
fresh evidence of the failure of Special Representative Bernard Kouchner to
establish the rule of law in Kosovo. Many of the corps's recruits came
straight from the Kosovo Liberation Army, set up to meet the violence of
Slobodan Milosevic's police with violence.

Nato's intervention last June saw the departure of armed Serbs from Kosovo,
but violence and gangsterism by Albanian extremists has not stopped. The
report's grim message is that the UN is paying the salaries of many of the

The report covers the period from 21 January, when the corps formally came
into being. Under the heading 'killings', the UN says: 'Dragash: two members
of the KPC and three others were arrested by UN police in connection with
the killing of an ethnic Gorani (11 February).'

There are three charges of ill-treatment and torture: in Pec, a man was
beaten senseless in the KPC's headquarters, suffering head injuries and
severe bruising from a rifle butt. The victim had been attacked in a
newspaper article, written by a former fighter in the KLA. In Prizren, a man
from the Torbesh minority - a group of Muslim Turks suspected by the
Albanians of collaborating with the Serbs - was kidnapped and beaten up by a
KPC member and three other men.

Also in Prizren, the KPC stands accused of using torture to obtain
confessions. After two men arrested on suspicion of stealing cars were
handed over to UN police, they 'complained they had been severely
ill-treated. Subsequent medical examinations corroborated the victims'
allegations'. Troops from K-For, the multi-national force, suspended the two
alleged torturers from the KPC on 4 February.

The KPC is not a police force, and yet one of the grave concerns raised by
the UN report, drawn up by Kouchner's own office, is that mem bers of the
KPC are behaving as if they were above the law. The report lists complaints
from UN police working for its mission in Kosovo, Unmik.

The KPC has been running protection rackets across Kosovo - in Pristina,
Suva Reka, Dragash, Istok and Prizren - demanding 'contributions' from
shopkeepers, businessmen and contractors. In Suva Reka, KPC members are
alleged to have forced petrol stations to accept coupons rather than money
for fuel.

In Vucitrn, the KPC reportedly demanded protection money from members of an
ethnic minority, the Ashkali, originally from India. One family member had
previously been kidnapped and the family had been bombed.

The KPC has a nice line in death threats, says the UN. Two members
threatened to kill K-For interpreters after being arrested by Nato troops in
Kosovo. Following the arrests, 20 KPC men mobbed the police station and
demanded their release. They were freed the next day.

The KPC may be running prostitution rackets, says the UN. A report was
received on 14 February that a high-ranking KPC officer may be supervising a
forced prostitution racket running out of the Drenica Bar, close to the
Srbica KPC training camp.

The KPC is led by General Agim Ceku, who comes in for fierce criticism from
the report. His earlier pledges not to tolerate any criminal behaviour by
KPC members and to expel anyone who violates the law are mocked by the
report, and Ceku, who was formerly a senior commander in the KLA, comes in
for personal criticism.

Under the heading 'Activities against minorities, including hate speech',
Ceku is criticised for being present at a walk-out staged by Albanian
members of the KPC when a speech was translated into Serbo-Croat - the
language of the Muslim Slav minority suspected by the Albanians of
collaboration with the Serbs.

The report comments: 'It was the clear opinion of those present that this
was a premeditated action. The speeches of General Ceku and that of the
regional KPC commander were not those agreed upon in advance. The men spoke
of the war and loyalty to the "country" - 10 February.' Such a speech would
contradict the policy of the UN, the general's paymaster.

Further Reading...

* The KLA is operating as the proxy arm of the U.S. government in Kosovo.
See Why is the KLA SHooting at KFOR? at

* We now have documented proof of our charge that the OSCE verifier mission
was a cover for spying and for CIA liason work with the KLA. See "The Cat is
Out of the Bag!" at

* One of the clearest examples of what NATO and the UN have created in
Kosovo is the situation in Orahovac::

The article, "The Women of Orahovac answer the Colonel," deals with claims
made by Dutch KFOR (NATO) Commander van Loon that his troops are doing a
good job. Women from Orahovac answer Col. van Loon.

The article, "Save the families: The women of Orahovac speak" includes
in-depth interviews

Under NATO and UN control the KLA has terrorized non-fascist Albanians. See
"An Albanian Tragedy: Stranger in Belgrade" at


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