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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 19 May 2000 08:29:30 -0800
text/plain (2101 bytes) , text/enriched (2137 bytes)
>1. game animals in a moderate climate have only 4-8% of fat
>   (including brains). High fat animals are eather found in the arctics
>   (or ice age northern climates) and IMO evolutionary not important.
>   High bad fat are "modern" "produced" animals like fed pigs or cows
>   (same applies).
>   That's not low-fat or fat-free but it is *not* high fat.

Amadeus - I've just been reading the Eades' latest book, _The Protein
Power Lifeplan_ - they talk about how many people think paleolithic
humans ate pretty low-fat meat compared to modern meat eaters, but
this would only be true if they ate only the muscle meat as we tend
to do, but they ate the entire animal, everything that was edible -
so that it was actually higher fat than we previously thought.

>Then the "common healthy" vegetarian approach with "carbs, supposedly very
>healthy" of whole wheat and so on has major drawbacks which are not
>commonly known and regarded.
>Then fats. Whole cereals have from 2% (wheat) to 7% (oats) of fat.
>Similar to or higher as wild game. But, from an omega-3 / 6 viewpoint
>a bad composition. Cereals weren't a nutrition base for very long
>evolutionary timeperiods. And grain agriculture begun to spread
>(about 7k years before now) equipped with flax. Flax is so omega-3 high
>and high in fat that it may equal out cereals.

So if you don't eat meat and you don't eat cereals, what do you eat?
And what do you eat for protein?

>I don't know why you call your previous diet low-protein.
>Probably now you are getting your main carbohydrate fuel
>the long way round of protein degration.
>However there surely are kind of "sugar addicts" produced by
>"sugar and bagels". In altering states between to high and too low
>glucose levels in the blood. A high fat approach surely is promising
>to come out of that. Anyway better then low-fat.

I call my previous low-fat vegetarian diet low-protein because it was
- I was on the McDougall plan and he specifically says that too much
protein is bad. I didn't eat much tofu or other things that
vegetarians commonly eat for protein - it was indeed a low-protein
diet and I think that in itself may have helped set me up for
