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Michele Wiedemer <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 3 Mar 2000 08:53:13 -0800
text/plain (66 lines)
I just wanted to share that I, too, have had a little
improvement in my myopia since improving my diet. It
seems very gradual. I wonder how much quicker it would
be if I just threw away my glasses, but I'm still too
blind to do that.

I also wanted to share my experience regarding cow's
milk. After my celiac diagnosis, and not getting a
whole lot better on a supposedly "gluten-free" diet, I
was introduced to the Specific Carbohydrate diet. For
those who aren't familiar with it, it allows
specially-prepared lactose-free yogurt and some
cheeses, as well as some beans. Other than that, it's
basically the same in practice (at least for me) as
paleo. So very enthused by the testimonials in the
book, I embarked on the diet full-strength and made my
yogurt and ate it daily (mostly because I was afraid
of not getting enough food).

Within 1-2 months, although my digestion was improved
and I did feel *better*, I had developed fairly
debilitating arthritis symptoms. My doctor ran tests
and though nothing showed up in bloodwork, he
suggested that I might be in the early stages of
rhematoid arthritis and began discussing treatment
options. As this doctor is an allergist as well as an
internist, he was willing to consider that my symptoms
may be allery related. After more testing showed I was
very allergic to milk and legumes, among other things
that I had already removed from my diet (i.e.,
grains), I promptly removed these two as well (which
is when I discovered paleo). Within TWO WEEKS (without
using any medication), the terrible arthritis symptoms
were COMPLETELY gone.

This is only one person's story, but it led me to
believe that at least in my case, cow's milk is
poison! Some people can just tolerate the poison
better than others.

Yes, I miss cheese every now and then. But every time
I'm tempted (it happens frequently since my hubby
doesn't follow my diet), I remind myself of the pain.
Plus when I eat out, and find I've gotten a touch of
butter on something accidentally, I get toxic
headaches and runny, uncomfortable bms...

BTW, after more than a year of being grain, dairy,
mostly sugar, and bean-free, I feel great. I used to
be sick so often my husband thought I was a
hypochondriac, but now I have really nothing to
complain about. (A heavy, long-standing depression was
also completely lifted). I didn't lose as much weight
as I would have liked, but I do eat a lot of fruit
(and I'm not really overweight after the 15lbs I
lost). What I'm trying to say, is that anyone who
hasn't completely removed dairy should really consider
that it MAY be doing more harm than good or than it's
worth for taste's sake.

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