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Ken Follett <[log in to unmask]>
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BP - "Is this the list with all the ivy haters?"
Wed, 5 Jan 2000 11:12:03 EST
text/plain (27 lines)
In a message dated 1/4/00 6:09:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, MetHistory writes:

> Well, then, how did you get/adopt the SHAMAN and ][<en handles?

][<en comes about from a desire to negate the unreal Ken Follett. I know it
is a perversion, but I cannot help myself.

Shaman, well, Dan Becker caught onto the spirit of BP and early on claimed
god/God, which was changed at my request to Cod to avoid offending those
intolerant religious who argue over the meaning of small g versus big G.
Note: the issues of polymorphous deities has not been fully discussed on BP
-- I mean, as in offspring creating new Urizens. Following after the KILL Gab
& Eti episode on PL I may have been overly sensitive to the potential of
attacks from the stuffed up right-wing intelligentsia that is really pretty
dumb but still likes to think highly of themselves enough to quash humorists
in their midst like plump June bugs underfoot. And I figured Cod needed an
earthly dwelling Bhodisattva type Shaman assistant whose role is 1) bleed off
the bad vibes by eating them into the psyche and 2) pays undue attention to
the voices in their head, 3) keeps the wheel of life turning and 4) can
travel through the I-way ether without an extension cord. Since the nickname
I have been collecting & reading books on Shamanism. If any of you have
tingling feelings in the middle of the night please let me know.


Don't forget Lurker Raydome, Nicky Knockers or the Bird Song of Bavaria.