Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Jonathan Julius Dobkin <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 13 Aug 2000 19:41:59 -0500
"J.J. Dobkin" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (163 lines)
[Kjell: si, lo que tu ha audite es ver--in le anno 1984 un homine in Texas in un caso capital
habeva un advocato (providite per le stato) qui dormiva in le corte durante multe del judicio.
Le judice in le caso ha decidite que isto non era un deprivation del derectos de prisioniero--in
le parolas del judice "the law says he has to have a lawyer; it doesn't say the lawyer has to be
awake" ("le lege dice que il es necessari que ille ha un advocato; illo non dice que le advocato
necessita esser eviliate"). In iste caso un corte superior ha decidite in le anno 2000 que iste
conviction non era legitime, e ha reversate lo. Un mense post iste decision, perque le stato
non ha preparate a facer un nove judicio, le homine era liberate--ma solmente post esser 16
annos in le prision de Huntsville con un sententia de morte.

Charlie: in multe linguas europee le phrase equivalente al anglese "honeymoon" significa
literalmente "luna de melle" (portugues "lua de mel," espaniol "luna de miel," etc). Io pensa
que nos debe usar "luna de melle."]

Io manda un reporta (scripte al lista [log in to unmask], un "soror lista" de
nostre INTERLNG) per Tony Abdo. Ille ha visitate le prision in Huntsville, Texas, le loco
statounitese con le plus grande numero de executiones  (perque es le location de "death row"
in le stato de Texas, e post le reintroduction del pena de morte statounitese, approximemente
1 in 3 executiones in le SU ha essite in Texas) le 9 de augusto, un die in le qual duo
executiones occurreva--le governmento de Texas prefere facer plus que un in le mesme die
pro reducir le expensas.

Al hora in le qual Oliver Cruz e Brian Roberson ha morrite, quando Tony era in Huntsville,
nos qui acta in "Not in My Name" (un drama de protesto contra le pena de morte) era in
Times Square pro facer un representation in le strata.

Un articulo in le prime pagina del New York Times duo dies ante le executiones, "Executing
the Mentally Retarded Even as Laws Begin to Shift" ha explicate que Oliver Cruz ha "an I.Q.
of either 64 or 76, depending on the test" e que un psychologista "testified at trial that ... Mr
Cruz [is] mentally retarded. The state did not dispute this. Indeed the prosecutor argued that
the fact that Mr Cruz 'may not be very smart' made him 'more dangerous' and so was a
reason to sentence him to death." Io sape que le Nazis etiam credeva que un manca de
intelligentia era un ration pro morte...

In veritate, le testimonia de un psychologista era quasi un raritate. Le grande majoritate
(approximemente 90%) de personas executate in le SU son pauperes qui ha un advocato
providite (e pagate) pro le stato; le stato de Texas da $5,000 al advocato pro le defensa in
un caso capital. Iste $5,000 non es solmente pro pagar le advocato, ma include tote
expensas (in contrasto, le stato de California typicamente da $100,000 pro le defensa in un
caso de pena de morte). Predictabilemente, in vista del pagamento miniscule, multe
advocatos pagate per le stato son minimalmente qualificate, e mesmo in le casos de capabile
advocatos qui son dedicate a opponer le pena de morte e non vole esser pagate, le $5,000
generalmente non es sufficiente pro pagar un "expert witness."

Iste certemente non es le sol caso statounitese del execution de un persona mentalmente
retardate. In un altere caso in 1992, quando Governor Bill Clinton de Arkansas era un
candidato pro presidente, ille ha retornate a Arkansas pro executar un homine non
simplemente retardate ma con injuria de cerebro, perque Clinton pensava que era possibile
que le Lieutenant Governor (qui ha le potentia de actar in loco del governator quando le
governator non es in le stato) commutarea le sententia de morte; isto haberea potite
consequentias negative pro le candidatia presidential de Clinton, in iste pais ubi
approximemente 80% del population era a favor del pena de morte. Solmente in le anno
passate isto nivello ha comenciate a cambiar, e hodie "solmente" 60% es a favor. Ma le leges
del Statos Unite (in theoria) non permiti le prosecution criminal de personas qui, per lor
manca de intelligentia o de ration, non pote comprehender le consequentias legal e ethical de
lor actiones, e le significantia de su situation legal. In le caso del prisoniero executate per
Clinton in 1992, ille habeva tanto poc idea de su situation que ille habeva celate un portion de
su repasto final pro mangiar postea.

Ma le govenrmento del SU pensa que illo debe decidir qual altere paises debe esser
considerate criminales perque illos abusa le derectos human...


> ** Original Subject: [CHOMSKY] The Brown and The Gray
> ** Original Sender: Tony Abdo <[log in to unmask]

'Put to Death' is the pretty euphemism that the local paper used for the
word...... murder. It's also the description most people use for
killing animals. 'Airman's Killer is Put to Death' was the headline
for yesterday in the local paper.

One can hardly begin to imagine the hysteria of our local First World
society,  if a headline were to read..... 'Man Who Put to Death Killer
Pilot Killed'.     Apparently, even the headline......'State of Texas
Executes Retarded Man'.... was not deemed proper, either.

The first thing that struck me as I got off the bus in Huntsville at the
state prison, was how neatly manicured they keep the lawns cropped
outside the administrative offices.      It's a very orderly look, and
one I've seen many a time before, at State mental institutions.
Somehow it impresses people that what goes on inside must be itself well

Huntsville has now rightfully gained an image as a center of evil in the
industrialized countries, because it is here where the State of Texas
murders about one prisoner a week.     This was the day, for the first 2
of 6 men to be murdered in this month.

There were about a hundred protesters.     And now that the murder
factory-line is rolling well along, there were no cheering supporters of
the death penalty to heckle the mainly religious opponents.
Boredom has set in.

The only bus that came in protest was from San Antonio.      And almost
all were nuns, priests, and those very closely influenced by them in the
church.      At our one rest stop, I almost couldn't get off from the
back of the bus due to a sister leading a non-stop chanted prayer that
seemed more important to the other passengers, than a leg stretch seemed
to me.

So once we had arrived, we all walked over the short distance to the
designated protest and prayer area.      A set of 6-7 guards stared
facing us from behind the yellow taped restraining lines.    On their
faces, and during their conversations, a stop and go barrage of derisive
smirks would blink on and off.     Us protestors seemed so incongruous,
and well... funny... to them.      When you draw this guard duty once a
week, week after week, one probably begins to drop the somber face that
might once have been maintained.      Oh, here we go again.

Under the hot 95 degree sun, most of us drew off into the shade.
Some had brought umbrellas and chairs.     Two male protesters sat
dressed in Eastern Orthodox clerical garb as they prayed.

The 6 or 7 guards, contrasted sharply with the protesters as we stared
at each other.     What was it exactly that made us so different from
them, I thought?     And then it hit me.    The colors of the others
facing us.      Or RATHER, the lack of color in their dress.

The state of Texas dresses it's prisoners up in white.       Since so
many of the prisoners are Black, the black and white effect actually
seems to brightly shine almost with color.

But what was the color of the mostly White guards?      I looked and
looked, and began to see.     They all were dressed in brown and gray.
If they had been about 12 to 17 years old, they would have clearly been
marked as scouts.     But since they were older, they looked just
exactly like Nazi Brownshirts.      And they were behaving as such, too.

In the background, the building they were guarding was an older, large
innocuous looking, red bricked warehouse.     There was a guard tower
and some barbed wire, but it actually looked much less menacing than
many another barbed-wire rolled concentration camp, like the so many
that dot the Texas countryside.

I contemplated with the others, on both sides of the line, the wierdness
and surrealness of it all, for about 2 hours.     Inside, an even
greater wierdness and surrealness was in march.     But outside, there
were no bells or announcements to announce the inside work of the brown
and gray.     And finally, we began to roll things up, and move back to
our respective vehicles.

Horrible emotions had popped throughout our minds during those 2 hours,
and some few had broken down in explosive waves of despair.     One of
the relatives of one of the condemned, Oliver Cruz, had dressed in
black, with a white skull-like facial mask.

Just like the prisoners inside, he too seemed to have more color than
the brown and gray as they worked.     And as they got payed.        It
was all in a day's work, as the State of Texas murdered Oliver Cruz and
Brian Roberson.

I wished  I had taken a snapshot of the brown and gray.     It would
make an accurate post card of the Huntsvile, Texas area.

Tony Abdo

>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **
